The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

No. 1

by | Dec 1, 2017

To love like Jesus, we’re going to have to: “Tell our real stories.” Paul wrote, “God is faithful…” He had an encounter with God, so logic-defying he spent the rest of his life referring to it. Trying to live it. Your real story is no less wonderful. Tell your real story. Make your peace with the highs and the lows, God is present in both. Tell your real story. Warm up the world with authenticity. Claim yourself as God claims you, totally! Love will increase for yourself and for others. You’ll see.

1 Corinthians 1:9

No. 1

Para amar como Jesús, vamos a tener que: “Contar nuestras historias reales.” Pablo escribió, “Dios es fiel…” Él tuvo un encuentro con Dios, tan desafiante de la lógica que pasó el resto de su vida refiriéndose a él. Tratando de vivirlo. Tu historia real no es menos maravillosa. Cuenta tu historial real. Haz tu paz con los altibajos, Dios está presente en ambos. Cuenta tu historia real. Acércate al mundo con autenticidad. Reclámate como Dios te reclama, ¡totalmente! El amor crecerá para ti y para otros. Tu verás.

1 Corintios 1:9