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Kudos to St. Anne’s Buildings & Grounds Committee!

by | Nov 4, 2017

 Accepting the award, from left to right: Facilities Manager Pat Cobb, Rector Rev. Licia Affer, Senior Warden Claire Davis, and Buildings & Grounds committee member Merrill Ellis.

Accepting the award, from left to right: Facilities Manager Pat Cobb, Rector Rev. Licia Affer, Senior Warden Claire Davis, and Buildings & Grounds committee member Merrill Ellis.

Under the leadership of its Buildings & Grounds Committee, St. Anne’s has garnered a Fulton County 2017 Environmental Award for its green ministries. Four representatives from St. Anne’s participated in the Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, October 18, at the Fulton County Government Center.

For details of St. Anne’s green ministries: