The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Church of the Common Ground Gives Thanks for Devotion of Retiring Vicar Mary Wetzel

by | Nov 14, 2017

With grateful hearts and hope for the future, Church of the Common Ground parishioners are giving special thanks for the faithful leadership and dedicated pastoral care of Vicar Mary Wetzel, who will retire at the end of November. The search for a new vicar has been in progress.

Church of the Common Ground is a church community on the streets of Atlanta and a worshipping community of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. Its members are people who have no permanent place to live, and who struggle at the margins of urban life. Common Ground ministries—weekly worship, Morning Prayer, Bible study, and a foot clinic—depend on contributions and volunteers from Episcopal churches throughout Middle and North Georgia. Worship with Holy Eucharist takes place every Sunday at 1:00 PM in Woodruff Park in downtown Atlanta. All are welcome.

Reverend Wetzel came to Church of the Common Ground in 2010 as an assistant priest; she became vicar in 2011.

“I have seen up-close the joy of acceptance, love, and connection on the faces of the faithful at Church of the Common Ground,” said Bishop Robert C. Wright. “We thank and commend Mary for sharing her gifts and passion with our Diocese, and for showing what it looks like to love like Jesus and serve compassionately on the streets of Atlanta. Common Ground lives the Good News that we are all God’s beloved children.”

To volunteer at Church of the Common Ground, or to make a contribution, please visit