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Kanuga’s 2017 Christian Formation Conference

by | Jan 27, 2017

Faith Formation for All God’s People in a Era of Change with John Roberto

Every day we experience the reality that we are living in an era of change, but, more importantly, we are living in a change of eras. The models of faith formation developed over the past decades cannot keep pace with the challenges of this new era. We need something very new to address the lives of 21st century families, children, adolescents and adults. We need to envision a whole new way of forming faith — a new ecosystem of intergenerational relationships and faith experiences at church, lifelong faith formation from childhood through adulthood, family faith formation at home, and missional faith formation to the uninvolved and unaffiliated. All of this supported by digitally-enabled and digitally connected faith formation that can reach everyone, anytime, anyplace, 24×7. We need to utilize new models and tools of 21st century learning. Explore and experience this new world of faith formation and you will discover there’s never been a better time to be engaged in faith formation!

John Roberto is president of LifelongFaith Associates and works as a consultant to churches and national  organizations, teaches courses and conducts workshops in faith formation, and has authored numerous books and program manuals in faith formation, including his latest publications “Families at the Center of Faith Formation” (editor and co-author, 2016), and “Seasons of Adult Faith Formation” (editor and co-author, 2015).

Why should I come to this conference?

  1. John Roberto
  2. More than 25 workshops such as VBS, digital ministry, Godly Play, confirmation, contemplative photography, recovery ministry and bread baking 
  3. Activities for children of all ages – make it a family vacation
  4. Four nights at Kanuga, a 1,400 acre conference center in the Blue Ridge Mountains of NC
  5. Five published authors:  John Roberto, Wendy Barrie, Heather Annis, Jenny Beaumont and Jerusalem Greer
  6. Eleven meals(no cooking!), plus socials, book signing and special events
  7. Optional early arrival day on June 11zTime on the porch to rock, relax and talk with friends – and make new ones
  8. Networking with those who have been involved in formation for years
  9. All of this for $610- (a bargain- all inclusive-room, meals, conference, and fun!) for a double room; $770 for a single; $200 for a child; $300 for youth.  

Register by February 12 for a 10% discount; team discounts available. For more information, visit