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Leadership Development Opportunities

by | Jan 18, 2017

For Lay Leaders

Called to Lead is a day of lay leadership development designed for parish vestries, wardens and treasurers. All lay leaders, including members of finance and stewardship committees, are invited to this workshop. Bishop Wright teaches the model of adaptive leadership and will focus on Purpose and Vision. Participants will also be equipped with tools for effective stewardship of people and other resources. Two opportunities for Called to lead. Saturday, February 11th at St. David’s, Roswell from 9 am to 3 pm. Click here to register. Saturday, February 25 at Christ Church, Macon from 9 am to 3 pm. Click here to register.

For Youth

Bishop Wright will also teach at The Youth Leadership Retreat June 2-4 at the Lutheran Coastal Retreat Center in South Carolina, located on the Isle of Palms. The purpose of the retreat is to equip the next generation of young leaders to go out into the world and lead like Jesus.The deadline to apply for participation is March 12. Click Steps to Lead for the application. For more information, contact Youth and Young Adult Missioner, Easton Davis.