The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


by | Jan 17, 2017


  Bishop Whitmore

Bishop Whitmore

We invite all Vergers and those that are interested in the ministry of the Verger to attend the Winter Assembly meeting.  The Assembly will begin with Holy Eucharist celebrated by Bishop Whitmore, assisted by The Rev. Kim Jackson.  

After a group photo, we will be in dialog with our Bishop concluding with a tribute to retiring Bishop Whitmore showing our gratitude for all he has done in support of the ministry of the Verger.

  Canon John Thompson-Quartey

Canon John Thompson-Quartey

After lunch, Canon John Thompson-Quartey will give a keynote address. 

The MEG Chapter begins a series of service projects with this Assembly by providing books for the “Youth on the Move” program at Emmaus House. Kenya Smith, Director of Leadership Development, will give a presentation on their program.

A brief Chapter business meeting will conclude the Assembly.

Vergers are asked to bring their vestments and verges. 

A donation of $15.00 is asked for lunch.

Episcopal Church of the Incarnation
2407 Cascade Road
Atlanta, GA 30311

Saturday, January 21, 2017
9:00am  2:00pm