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Children of Grace is Flushing Away Cancer

by | Sep 7, 2016

The Children of Grace (COG) preschool at Grace Episcopal Church in Gainesville is holding a fundraiser for the month of September in honor of Childhood Cancer Month. Unfortunately, the 2016-2017 school year brings two children to the school who have been diagnosed with cancer.

At the heart of the Flush Away Cancer fundraiser is a child size potty, painted purple. The potty is placed in a family’s yard and for a donation of $15 COG will come remove it. For $20 the family can request that COG remove the potty and place it in another family’s yard. For $30 the family can request the potty to be placed in another family’s yard and purchase “insurance” so the potty cannot be returned to their yard again. 

All proceeds will be donated to CURE. CURE researches development of “targeted therapies”, focuses on the training of future pediatric oncologists and researchers through the fellowship program at Emory University School of Medicine, and innovative programs that address the critical and urgent needs of patients and their families.

As with all their fundraisers, the preschool’s goal is not only to support a worthy charity but to teach children to lead with a servant’s heart. Children’s cancer affects all ethnic, gender, and socio-economic groups. Therefore, honoring these two classmates and participating in this fundraiser allows the children to learn by example as well as encouraging the Gainesville community to help bring this lesson home.

Contact the Children of Grace preschool at to donate or learn more.