The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Listen. Talk. Share.

by | Sep 8, 2016

September is Suicide Awareness Month. The Episcopal Youth Community of Middle and North Georgia and the Bishop’s staff have created a video resource that you are encouraged to use in your work. This month, we ask you to be especially present in one another’s lives. Spend time with someone you care about. Start a new conversation. Listen. Contribute to our compassionate community.

“In the Diocese of Atlanta, we are love, acceptance, and hope. Here we value each and every person. I challenge all of us to ask for help when we need help and to listen to those who need to be heard. If you’re hurting, share your story. We’re here for you. We love you.” – Bishop Robert Wright

Please share the social media posts promoting the video and resources about suicide prevention as you see fit. You can find posts throughout the month on the following networks. 

EYCDIOATL: FacebookTwitter, and Instagram
EDA: FacebookTwitter, and Instagram
Bishop Wright: FacebookTwitter, and Instagram