The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


by | Mar 8, 2016

Generosity is born in us when we realize how much we’ve been given. We have all experienced what it feels like to be the recipient of generosity, whether from a friend or loved one, or from God. Why not share this same feeling with others? Just as Jesus shows us, giving doesn’t stop at the recipient.

As we continue to grow for Lent and love like Jesus let us consider sharing the generosity Jesus has inspired within us with others. This week, discover and reflect on the generosity within your own heart. Explore how you can share this love with your family, friends, neighbors and community.

Start by asking yourself:

  • What has God given to me? In what ways has God demonstrated generosity in my life and the lives of those I love?
  • Am I open to God’s generosity? What does it feel like to be on the receiving end of that?
  • In what ways do I give? How am I generous? Am I willing to give to someone who I may not perceive as “being deserving” of my generosity or love?

When we reflect on all that God has given us, we may realize we don’t feel wholly deserving of all the goodness in our lives. Giving is an incredibly powerful action — it’s able to transform the coldest of hearts, inspiring an unwavering chain of reciprocity. Something as simple as a quick smile to a passing stranger can have profound effects. When we give as an act of love, as opposed to for what we may get in return — we participate in the unconditional Love that Jesus has shown us.

As we walk on the path of spiritual growth this Lent, let us remember that at the heart of His love is generosity. In order to love like Jesus, we must also give like Jesus. To give is to love; and to love is to give –  there is no separation. Generosity helps us spread this love widening the circle while also drawing us closer to God.