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The Advent Season

by | Dec 9, 2016

Serving Saint Julian’s Episcopal Church in Douglasville, the Rev. Brandon Duke offers his reflection on what Advent means to Christians and how we can use this season to connect with the Divine.

“Traditionally, the Season of Advent represents the preparation and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, the word, Advent, literally means, Coming, and its readings, liturgy and music all point to Christ coming into the world,” Duke says.

He asks that Christians use the four weeks leading to Christ’s coming to focus and fill our minds and souls with God, self and neighbor. The mood of the season fills the heart with great mystery, excitement and anticipation. There will be reminders to keep free from all of the distractions and noises around us and to remember and reflect on the eternal. Advent invites all to melt into its spell, where senses develop an awareness of light and darkness, evergreen trees and deciduous ones, mountains and valleys, the future and the now.

Read the full announcement here.