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Historic St. Paul’s, Atlanta Assumes Responsibility for the Campus Ministry at Atlanta University Center

by | Dec 2, 2016

Starting in January 2017, our campus ministries on the campuses of Clark Atlanta University, Morehouse College and Spelman College will become a part of the outreach ministries of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Atlanta.  The Reverend Arlette Benoit, Associate Priest at St. Paul’s will serve as our Campus Missioner on all three campuses.  

The ministry will continue to be housed in the Absalom Jones Episcopal Center, located in the Atlanta University Center.  The Absalom Jones Episcopal Center (AJEC) began as the Canterbury House in 1957. First established by the Diocese of Atlanta and the Union of Black Episcopalians to help recruit black students for the Episcopal priesthood, the mission and ministry has transformed over the years.  During the height of the Southern Freedom Movement in the mid-60’s, the Canterbury House served as a gathering place for young student organizers and activists. The Canterbury House was a hub for critical engagement with the social justice issues of the day, and many voices (including brothers from the Islamic community) were invited to enter the dialogue. During this same era, under the leadership of the Reverend Warren Scott, students from the Canterbury House were among the first African Americans to integrate Camp Mikell, our diocesan camp.  Nearing the end of the century, the Diocese of Atlanta decided to build a new chapel and student center to replace Canterbury House. With the proceeds from a diocesan fundraising campaign, two lots located in the middle of the Atlanta University Center were acquired and the AJEC found its new home!