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Bishop Wright to Teach J-Term Course at Candler: January 3-5, 2017

by | Dec 2, 2016

The Cross of Jesus: Holding Steady in Leadership

This course will surface synergies and strategies between the leadership practice and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth with special attention to His Cross and those of Adaptive Leadership as taught by Ronald Heifetz.

In the face of numeric decline and loss in the church, anxiety reigns.  Increased capacity to creatively hold steady in the face of this anxiety is necessary as the church exists in a liminal space between present reality and that which is emerging.  The Passion and Cross of Jesus of Nazareth, as amplified by the Adaptive Leadership framework, offer examples and strategies that build the capacity to hold steady in anxiety and loss so authentic hope can be born.

To receive a special discount code before registering, contact Canon Lang Lowery .  

Registration is required. To register for this class, click here.
Scholarships are available.