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The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers to Preach on Day 1

by | Dec 19, 2016

News from “Day 1”® 
The national weekly ecumenical radio program produced by the Alliance for Christian Media
Contact: Peter Wallace,
Or Ethel Ware Carter, 

A photo of the preacher and a Word document version of this press release are available upon request.

Stephanie Spellers to preach on ‘Day 1’
Canon for Evangelism and Reconciliation for the Episcopal Church

The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, who serves as the Presiding Bishop’s Canon for Evangelism, Reconciliation, and Stewardship of Creation for the Episcopal Church, is the featured preacher Jan. 22on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible online at

Spellers, a graduate of Wake Forest University and Harvard Divinity School, where she studied religion and movements for social change, earned an M.Div. at Episcopal Divinity School. She served the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston where she founded The Crossing, a missional church community that actively embraces the gifts and voices of young adults and people on the margins of traditional church. She directed mission and evangelism work at General Theological Seminary and in the Diocese of Long Island. She also directed new ministry initiatives for the Center for Progressive Renewal, an ecumenical consulting and resource group based in Atlanta.  She is the author of “Radical Welcome: Embracing God, the Other and the Spirit of Transformation” and most recently co-authored “The Episcopal Way,” the first volume in the new Church’s Teachings for a Changing World series.  

“The World Will Turn,” her sermon for Jan. 22, is based on the story of the beginning of the ministry of Jesus as found in Matthew 4:12:23. “I fear that for generations mainline churches have been lulled into a deep sleep,” she says. “We’ve too often placed God in a pretty and inconsequential box, pulling him out as a decorative life accessory or the ultimate therapist, but not really expecting God to do anything.” 

The program includes interviews with Spellers by Wallace, who is also executive producer. 

“Day 1” has been broadcast every week for 71 years, formerly as “The Protestant Hour.” Featuring outstanding preachers from the mainline denominations, “Day 1” is currently distributed to more than 200 radio stations across America and overseas. The program is produced by the Alliance for Christian Media, based in Atlanta, Ga. For more information, call toll free 888-411-Day-1 or check the program’s website,