The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Church of the Common Ground Celebrates 10th Anniversary

by | Dec 19, 2016

ATLANTA – In the heart of Southeast’s largest city, people of different races, economic classes and creeds will gather together in Woodruff Park on December 24 at 1 p.m. to celebrate the spirit of the season and to share the Common Ground of their humanity. 

On the very spot where it was born ten Christmas Eves ago, the Episcopal Church of the Common Ground will mark its anniversary with Christmas carols, poetry, and an outdoor worship service. This “church without walls” has no building—but for a decade it has faithfully served the spiritual needs of women and men who struggle to live on the streets of Atlanta. 

Most Common Ground members have no permanent homes. They live in temporary housing, shelters or public spaces. Many face unemployment or live with physical or mental disability. But all find welcome, fellowship and community in this on-the-street network of support. 

Bishop Keith Whitmore of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta will lead Common Ground church members, volunteers from the Cathedral of St. Philip, and special guests in worship and celebration. Greg McLean—jazz trumpeter, composer and professor of music at Georgia Perimeter College—will offer festive music. 

As a worshiping community of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, the Church of the Common Ground hosts a Sunday Holy Eucharist in Woodruff Park, weekday Morning Prayer and Bible Study in parks and on the street, and a free weekly foot clinic.