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A Message from the Bishop of Atlanta

by | Nov 9, 2016

A message to the people of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta

Brothers and Sisters, I greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our tumultuous election season has come to an end. The people have spoken. For those elected, my prayer is that they would “…faithfully serve in their offices to promote the wellbeing of all people.” BCP 822, prayer 23  For those not elected, I pray that God would make God’s will for their life and gifts apparent and that they might have the faith to respond.

Beyond that, I write to encourage you.

We may hold different political views and affiliations, but we are first and foremost followers of Jesus Christ. That makes us trans-political. You might say we are “in politics, but not of politics.”

Being ultimately citizens of God’s Kingdom, and one American family, I pray that in the days ahead we will distinguish ourselves as people utterly committed to reconciliation in thought, word and deed. Remember, rancor and vitriol destroy fellowship, but “a soft answer turns away wrath.” Proverbs 15.1

Right now, you and I have an opportunity to exercise our discipleship of Jesus Christ by being peacemakers right here in middle and north Georgia. The power and grace to accomplish that comes from this simple prayer:  “Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is hatred, let us sow love.” BCP 832, prayer 62

God bless you, God bless the State of Georgia and God bless the United States of America.


Bishop Robert C. Wright
Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta