The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Serve Compassionately | YOUR HELP IS NEEDED

by | Nov 2, 2016

At last year’s Annual Council, our youth partnered with Stop Hunger Now to package and send 10,000 meals all over the world. This year, we want to invite everyone at Annual Council to serve in this effort together. Is your parish up to the challenge?

On Friday afternoon, we are asking delegates to give two hours to help package the meals as soon as Council closes for the day. Our goal is to have 100 delegates volunteer to help pack meals. We also ask each parish to prayerfully consider pledging a contribution of $145. That amount will cover the cost of 500 meals.

You can pledge online here. You may also mail a check to the Diocese of Atlanta earmarked Annual Council Service Project. Please contact Easton Davis, Youth and Young Adult Missioner, for details and to pledge your support. Thank you!