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Breaking Bread (Gluten-free) Together!

by | Nov 2, 2016


Selected chefs from the Mt. Pisgah Seventh Day Adventist Church presented a cooking class on vegan dining to several of the women of Christ Church Kennesaw’s ECW group this past Sunday, Oct. 23rd in the CEC Fellowship hall and kitchen.  SDA members Sonia Baird, Heather Reynolds, Renelle Francis and Vivienne Lemard supplied the culinary expertise while Victoria Wells, Mary Slider and Deb Gerace of CEC organized the event for the CEC ECW.  The SDA previously leased space at CEC for their Saturday Sabbath services and Tues. night Bible study, so the two congregations had a long history together, but this was the first time they shared bread together, even if it was gluten free, of course!  

The SDA ladies prepared samples of a typical vegan breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert while CEC members Mary Slider and Sarah Bailey provided a salad, appetizer and filtered fruit water, keeping to the pure eating theme. Offerings ranged from seven grain pancakes and black bean collard wraps with cashew ‘cheese’ sauce, to kale-cauliflower soup and pumpkin spice cake with candied ginger in honor of the CEC Pumpkin Patch!  While the CEC ladies chopped and diced vegetables, the SDA cooks described the preparation of their dishes and alluded to the Genesis Diet, which includes foods mentioned in Genesis – nuts, seeds, plants, etc.  All the women bonded over the feast that followed and Sonia Baird stated that “it was indeed fun and we loved every minute of it!”

The new friends hope to offer an even bigger event in the future.  After all the sugar and carbs from the holidays, January might just be an excellent time to remember our bodies are temples given to us by God and return to pure eating once again.