The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

“We”– A reflection from Bishop Wright

by | Oct 12, 2016

“We” – as in the first word of our Diocesan Purpose statement: “We challenge ourselves and the world to love like Jesus as we worship joyfully, serve compassionately, and grow spiritually.”

“We” are the people of water and spirit. We are people baptized in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Though we come from many different places and circumstances and hold many theological viewpoints, we all believe in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Something about the love of God in the person of Jesus Christ has been revealed to us through people, liturgy, music, word, sacrament, architecture and even our scars. We are a “We” because of Him.  

“We” are people in the world and nation at large. We come from many different backgrounds. Various states and countries of origin are represented when we gather. We hold diverse political ideas. We have various families of origin. We delight in myriad activities.  We share many of the same anxieties that animate the larger culture. They are a part of us as we go about our lives, but we are not paralyzed by these anxieties.

“We” are called to make Christ known, to renew the world together.  We are 112 worshipping communities. We are more than 50 thousand people in 75 1/2 counties in middle and north Georgia. We are over 15 thousand people in church on any given Sunday. With our diversity comes amazing experience, insight and approaches to serving the Lord of the Church in the world.

I believe attention to the “We” – the first word in the purpose statement – will enable us to accomplish together all the rest our purpose points toward. This is the “We” you are invited to be a part of now.  

Bishop Robert C. Wright
Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta