The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre
Free Training Available for Stewardship Teams

Free Training Available for Stewardship Teams

The Commission on Stewardship for the Diocese of Atlanta will offer a workshop for clergy and lay stewardship leaders from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, August 6, 2016 at the Cathedral of St. Philip, in Room 133.This is a great opportunity to provide scripture-based...
CETLA Celebrates First GRADUATES

CETLA Celebrates First GRADUATES

We are excited to announce that the first class of CETLA (Center for Theological Education for Latinos) graduated on June 19, 2016. The group started their training in September 2014 under the guidance of Canon Isaias Rodriguez. Classes were instructed by the Hispanic...
Congratulations, High School Graduates

Congratulations, High School Graduates

On May 1st the Diocese of Atlanta was proud to celebrate all graduating seniors from around North and Middle Georgia at a ceremony at St. Philip’s Cathedral.Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School in Atlanta celebrated graduation for the class of 2016 on May 14th. Graduates...


“Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” -Matthew 20:28 (NIV)This Lenten journey has brought us to Good Friday, a day marked by nails and thorns and betrayal. It’s a day of solemn reflection, one...
Letting Go

Letting Go

With the first signs of Spring blossoming around us, it’s a good time to focus on our Spiritual Spring Cleaning. This week on our Lenten journey, we take stock of the thoughts that no longer serve us. And we let them go. Letting go helps our spiritual growth by...


Generosity is born in us when we realize how much we’ve been given. We have all experienced what it feels like to be the recipient of generosity, whether from a friend or loved one, or from God. Why not share this same feeling with others? Just as Jesus shows...