The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


Anxiety, at base, is energy and with the aid of the Holy Spirit that energy can be channeled into faith while pursuing and accomplishing the works of faith in our right now.



The world desperately needs you and I to have an accurate, deep and authentic accounting of our hope. It’s the gift we have received and can give to the world.



God created time but lives beyond time. God enters and occupies time as God sees fit but is not bound by time like you and I. Which means time is a gift- a delivery system to deliver the gift of God’s own self!



God created time but lives beyond time. God enters and occupies time as God sees fit but is not bound by time like you and I. Which means time is a gift- a delivery system to deliver the gift of God’s own self!

Seven Miles

Seven Miles

Go for a walk soon. Tell Jesus all your sorrow and your fears on the walk. And then just listen, open your ears, eyes and heart to him anew.



Rather than read along as we normally do, go sentence by sentence and write down the facets of God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit on display.

Good Friday

Good Friday

God didn’t need the murder of his son to appease his wrath. But God does know that we don’t really learn deeply until after we have destroyed something precious.



Progress with God and for God is always one part tradition, one part scripture, and one part courageous humble experiment.

A Different Life

A Different Life

God is greater than all the graves we can encounter! Because, “…in death life is changed, not ended.” We might not be Lazarus, but Jesus still makes all the difference between life and death.

Seeing Differently

Seeing Differently

Seeing like Jesus makes the difference. That is implied in every story about Jesus in the New Testament. Still we should ask, what does it mean to see like Jesus?