The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


This week on our Lenten journey we challenge ourselves to discover and reflect on the generosity within our own hearts. Let us explore how to give and how to share this love with our family, friends, neighbors, and community. OUR LENTEN JOURNEY Please join me in...


This week on our Lenten journey we ask you to explore the idea of gratitude with us. Let’s challenge us to reflect on those things for which we’re grateful. In the business of everyday life, how can we mindfully steal away and reflect on all the gifts...


This week on our Lenten journey we ask you to explore the idea of love with us. What does it mean to love like Jesus? How do we challenge ourselves to change the way we think of love to grow beyond romantic expression? We strive to love our neighbor....


I invite you to the keeping of a holy Lent and to set aside these next several weeks to reflect on what it means to love like Jesus. OUR LENTEN JOURNEY Please join me in conversation on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram, using the hashtag...


This is Carol. I know it’s the lighting in the photo, but her face is shining. She flew all the way from England to stand at a prison in Jackson, Georgia on Tuesday. Carol is a member of a group called Lifelines in the UK that prays for and corresponds with...


Jesus amazed people with “gracious” words. His words landed grace blows to ears, hearts and minds. Still do! The people were amazed because they hadn’t heard “church people” talk that way often. From Jesus they heard lenient benevolence...


“Filled” with the Holy Spirit is how people described Jesus. So, what does “filled” look like? Filled is a consequence of being out in the world relying on the promises of God. Filled is what the wider community says about you because of your...


God is a fountain of goodness.  It’s goodness that radiates from the core of God.  Good because all God’s purposes are good. God has as God’s ultimate goals righteousness, justice, redemption, maturity, wholeness, truth, reconciliation,...


At the beginning of this New Year people are listening intently to hear God speak.  Whether for guidance, courage or consolation we say to ourselves, “If God will only speak, then I will know.  Then, I will act.”  But, God has never stopped...


How new can the new year really be?  Hate, bigotry, war, greed, and pettiness seem to have taken up permanent residence. The woes of the world look recalcitrant. How dare John, from his island safe house, tell us he sees “new” in our future...