The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


The air is not where God lives. God is rooted in the world. Rooted in us and in all creation. Present in our challenges. Some want an “air” God. Having the properties of vapor. Ethereal. Vapid. An idea that caresses the imagination but demands nothing. Has no body. We...


Did you know that the Greek word for “synagogue” means, “together-lead”? It doesn’t say Priest or Clergy lead. Ecclesia is the word we use in our Christian parlance. It means the summoned. The convened and commissioned. A network of people around, with and for Jesus....


Did you know that the Greek word for “synagogue” means, “together-lead”? It doesn’t say Priest or Clergy lead. Ecclesia is the word we use in our Christian parlance. It means the summoned. The convened and commissioned. A network of people around, with and for Jesus....


What ails us as a human family is a deep commitment to love. Dr. King told us “…hate is too great a burden to bear…” He might notice today that it’s love which seems too great a weight for us. Shrinking back from love we choose knowledge. But remember,...


What ails us as a human family is a deep commitment to love. Dr. King told us “…hate is too great a burden to bear…” He might notice today that it’s love which seems too great a weight for us. Shrinking back from love we choose knowledge. But remember,...


Human power has an expiration date. Dynasties, empires and nations form and then shatter. But God’s power is infinite and unlimited. God’s power is love. Jesus showed us that. So, we choose to love like Jesus! Jesus’ love is the power of God offered to us. It looks...


Human power has an expiration date. Dynasties, empires and nations form and then shatter. But God’s power is infinite and unlimited. God’s power is love. Jesus showed us that. So, we choose to love like Jesus! Jesus’ love is the power of God offered to us. It looks...


“I have also decided to stick with love, for I know that love is ultimately the only answer to mankind’s problems. I know it isn’t popular to talk about it in some circles today. And I’m not talking about emotional bosh when I talk about love;...


“I have also decided to stick with love, for I know that love is ultimately the only answer to mankind’s problems. I know it isn’t popular to talk about it in some circles today. And I’m not talking about emotional bosh when I talk about love;...


Happy New Year! Let’s keep three words in front of us this year, “Loving like Jesus.” Loving like Jesus… as I read and watch the news is as timely as ever. Jesus loves by telling stories that make us free. He loves by being humbly bold, by breaking bread with unusual...