The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


“To challenge as Jesus challenged, we must begin the journey that puts us in the world without the blinders of contempt or blinding assumptions that flourish because of lack of real proximity. Think about it, it seems right that Paul was struck blind and delivered to...


‘You are blessed,’ is what I say to people every Sunday. ‘Blessed!’ Some people nod and some even shed a tear. Some people’s eyes stare upward, seeming to make a mental list of their blessings.  Gratitude is a funny thing. It penetrates us–moves us to do good things....

Loving is seeing

“…when we say ‘ we challenge the world to love,’ we begin where God begins. “For God so loved the world.” Which implies God sees the world–sees her needs, her wounds and her promise and then responds. In other places we read that Jesus “seeing” various individuals and...


The results are in, mostly. Some won, some lost. Some are elated, some feel deflated. You and I are still members of the American family. You and I are still neighbors. We make our way forward in these politically-charged and divided times by finding the gaps in...


God is faithful, so we respond in faith. God plays the tune, we choose to dance. Jesus said that with faith you can move a tree. Faith is not only how we move; faith is how we move things. What have you moved by faith? Faith moved Sarah to a new city. Faith moved...


From jail, John hoped his work would continue. His work was to reach people religion left behind. Through his cell bars he asked his friends, “Is Jesus the Messiah, or should I keep waiting?” Pay attention to how Jesus answered the question: “Tell...


After my years in the Navy but before I finished college, I finally got it! I always believed. I was sure there was a God. I saw God in the sea and in the face of strangers. I understood that this God loved us so much that he chose to come to live with us as Jesus of...


What we call power some call foolishness. Jesus’ cross points back to the particular crucifixion of a particular man, and simultaneously points us forward through our pain, doubt and death into life. It’s a paradox. An intense movie with a twist ending....

One Word

Men and women, throughout the millennia, have invited us to unity with God. A God ceaselessly offering himself/herself to us. Despite our consistent rejection. God, relentlessly calling to our attention that we already have all the grace we need. When did we get this...


The church proclaims that “Christ is King.” King of what? One answer is king of plans. “I know the plans I have for you,” God said to Jeremiah. “Plans for your welfare, not for your harm. Plans with a future with hope.” Whose plan...