The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


Remember the starry night, the camels, and the three curious travelers? Remember the question that launched them? “Where is the child?” It’s a good question to lead us into 2022. Life with God is an adventure, at least it should be – a seeking, finding, offering...


“ You remember the Defiant Ones, the two convicts shackled to one another escape and fall into a ditch of dirty water, and one of them almost made it to the top, but can’t because his mate is still down there, and he’s shackled to him, and he slithers down. The only...


Singing is what I hear when Mary and Elizabeth come together in a doorway on a hill. Maybe their bellies bump when they embrace. Old and pregnant meets young and pregnant. Old and faithful and young and faithful together, the best kind of church. Each woman is a verse...


John called people who do sincere rituals insincerely snakes. He couldn’t get away with that these days but I understand what he means. The insincere were joining the sincere that day at the river to be baptized. They came to that moment motivated by something beyond...
Not Neutral

Not Neutral

As a way through the inherent difficulty of following Jesus, some are suggesting that the followers of Jesus be “neutral.” They want to make Jesus, and therefore themselves, more palatable for the world. I understand the temptation. They want a Jesus who does not...


In 1863, the same year as the Emancipation Proclamation was issued, Abraham Lincoln called for the last Thursday in November to be set aside as a day for “Thanksgiving and Praise.” In part, this proclamation was birthed because of the letter writing campaign of a...
First Love

First Love

When we make God our first love, God directs that love to the horizontal dimension. To people. Any vertical expression of love for God can be judged by the quality of our horizontal expression of love. That is why Dorothy Day said, “I really only love God as much as I...


Naomi and Ruth’s undoing eventually became the circumstances for their Hallelujah. Life, love and abundance came to them but not before death, dislocation and hunger. We love our hallelujahs but not our undoings. But remember, God is present in both. And God deserves...


Adversity reveals the quality and theology of our determination. That’s the center of the Book of Ruth. A woman, Naomi, loses her husband and her sons and is left with her two daughters-in-law. In an act of compassion, Naomi releases these two women, Orpah and Ruth,...


The book of Job has 42 chapters, but I especially love the ending. You know, the part where God asks Job questions that only God knows the answer to. “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Can you number the clouds? Does the hawk fly by your wisdom,...