The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

The Faithful Ordering of Our Finances

by | Mar 6, 2025

How do we faithfully order our finances? One way is to take time to write down the income we expect to receive in the coming year and how we plan to use this income.

This does not need to be super detailed, but a list of the broad areas of spending – and saving and giving – with the dollar amount and the percentage of income that is going toward each area.

While it is true that some families cannot predict their income or expenses in the coming year, it’s a good practice to sketch it out as best you can. The faithful ordering of our finances means we try to make changes if needed so that we can take care of our families’ basic needs and a reasonable amount of ‘wants,’ save money, and give a meaningful amount away for the good of others.

Our aim may be to increase the amount we give to the church, and if that’s not doable right away, take heart. This is a process, and it may take a few years or more to make the adjustments you’re aiming for, but that is true of many worthwhile, faithful endeavors.

The Commission on Stewardship