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Stewardship During the Season of Epiphany

by | Feb 13, 2025

Epiphany is a quiet time in the year of the Church. This makes it a perfect time to plan your Stewardship Program for the year.

You cannot start too early. A well-developed stewardship program requires time. You are given time during the season of Epiphany.

Where to begin


Invite Stewardship Committee Members

Invite members of the parish to serve on the Stewardship Committee. It is important that the committee be a diverse representation of the congregation which will oversee the planning and implementation. Invite the Rector to be a member.

Determine your theme.

Develop a compelling stewardship program that resonates with the congregation, reflecting the current church focus of mission and vision. Select scripture passages that align with the choice. Build upon this for stewardship activities.

Design your program.

Lay out your plan for the year. Keep in mind the three prongs of time, talent, and treasure.

Emphasize the spiritual dimension of stewardship, linking generous giving to a deeper relationship with God.

Determine dates.

Campaign launch. Set a clear start date for the stewardship program with a well-planned kickoff event.

Consider whom to ask to speak if this is part of your plan.

Incorporate regular stewardship-focused sermons throughout the year, highlighting various aspects of giving and the impact on your community.

Keep in mind the three-prongs of Time, Talent, and Treasure, determining when and how to present.

Designate a specific Sunday for parishioners to submit their pledges. Use a separate plate for the pledges to be brought to the altar along with the collection plate.

Present to the Vestry.

Attend a vestry meeting to present the plan. Ask the vestry for their commitment in writing to make a pledge, and their commitment to pray. Ask the vestry to choose a prayer that reflects the chosen stewardship theme (provide suggestions). The prayer will be included in the Sunday bulletins and the parish newsletters, as well as all communications from the committee to the parish.


Stewardship Commission – Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta

TENS (The Episcopal Network for Stewardship)

Contact Stewardship Commission for login information.

Caffeinated Church – Episcopal Diocese of Colorado

Contact Stewardship Commission for login information.

The Commission on Stewardship