The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Parish Transitions

The Transitions Office assists congregations in the transition of ministry leadership. Work begins when an opening is announced and comes to completion when the new ministry has been sealed by Letter of Agreement and celebrated by the congregation, clergy and bishop. Written materials, policies and step-by-step processes are provided and supervised by the staff that, together with a group of consultants, sees to healthy transitions of leadership throughout the diocese’s congregations, chaplaincies and related institutions.

Before a parish search begins, a Search Readiness Assessment must be submitted online to the Transitions Office.

Search Readiness Assessment

When Clergy Leave: Changing Roles and Boundaries

The Rev. Canon Alicia Schuster Weltner
Canon to the Ordinary and Transitions Officer

Ms. Carmen Holman
Canon to the Ordinary’s Executive Assistant and Transition Coordinator