The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

World Refugee Day June 20, 2021

by | Jun 16, 2021

World Refugee Day, June 20, is a day to honor and celebrate refugees around the world. This day is an opportunity to highlight the journeys refugees face, their resilience, dreams, and hopes for a better future, as well as our responsibility to advocate for pathways to protection for all people forced to flee their home.

Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) shared events and resources to honor World Refugee Day through education, dialogue, prayer, and advocacy. View their original post here.


Prayer Vigil For World Refugee Day
Sunday, June 20, at  7 PM ET
EMM will host a virtual prayer vigil to offer a time of prayer, reflection, and celebration in honor of refugees worldwide. It will be broadcast on EMM’s Facebook and a downloadable vigil order of service will be available prior to the event.

An Evening In Support With Presiding Bishop Michael Curry And Iconographer Mr. Kelly Latimore
Wednesday, June 23, at 6 PM ET
A special webinar highlighting the vital refugee work of Episcopal Migration Ministries will feature artist and iconographer Kelly Latimore in conversation with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.
The 60-minute event will include a moderated panel discussion followed by a Q&A. Participants will be invited to donate to EMM’s life-saving resettlement and engagement work. The event is free; all participants are required to register. Register here.


World Refugee Day Advocacy Toolkit 2021

9 Things Your Congregation Can Do to Support Refugees

New American Pathways

New American Pathways provides a safe haven for refugees resettled in Atlanta, caring for their most vital needs and providing the training and skills they require to thrive in years to come. It is located in the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta and is an affiliate of Episcopal Migration Ministries. Through partnerships and collaboration with the community, including Episcopal churches, New American Pathways has served as a model of successful resettlement and integration.