The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Ways to Support Military Members and Families

by | Nov 10, 2021

This Veterans Day, find ways you can help support these brave individuals and their families. We invite you to consider the resources below.

Episcopal Veterans Fellowship

Healing the Moral Wounds from War. Equips Christians for missional ministry to veterans through prayer, hospitality, and reconciliation. Learn how their educational workshops, consulting, and coaching can assist your church in outreach to veterans living in your community. Follow this effort.

Georgia State Defense Force

A volunteer arm of the Department of Defense that works closely with the National Guard to care for the spiritual needs of our troops. Volunteer as a chaplain.

Support Our Troops

A charity providing millions of dollars’ in goods and services to our active troops. Learn how your support can strengthen the morale and well-being of our soldiers and their families.

Veteran/Military Friendly Congregations

Learn how to promote a sense of community, acceptance and support for military members, veterans and their families in your congregation.