The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Virtual Hunger Walk Run

by | Feb 3, 2021

More than one in every four Georgia children lives in a food-insecure household. The Hunger Walk Run is a project of the Atlanta Community Food Bank, in partnership with the Episcopal Community Foundation for Middle and North Georgia, that unites our community to raise awareness and critical funds for local hunger relief. This virtual event allows the ECF to provide grants supporting hunger-related ministries in our Episcopal parishes.

The parish that raises the most money for hunger will be awarded the Bishop’s Cup, which includes a cool trophy, bragging rights, and a $3,500 grant for your parish’s outreach ministries!

Our youth-led worship service will premiere at 1 PM on YouTube prior to the run/walk. It will be led by Rt. Reverend Robert C. Wright, Bishop of Atlanta. Please join us for worship, then go outside and get moving!

Whether you choose to walk or run, you’ll virtually join thousands of participants coming together to support our neighbors in need and celebrate achievements already made in the fight against hunger.

Step Up. Stop Hunger.

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