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For People Welcomes Teresa Brown Fry

by | Feb 10, 2023

The Spirit in Preaching with Teresa Fry Brown PhD

What makes a good sermon? For the preacher, it is knowing oneself, knowing the biblical text and context, knowing the people, and knowing what The Holy Spirit is speaking directly to them. It is also leaving the people hearing the sermon with some good holy questioning of their own walk with Christ and with neighbor in the world.

In this episode, Bishop Wright has a conversation with Teresa Fry Brown PhD. They share of who God is, preaching, and their understanding of The Holy Spirit. Listen in for the full conversation.

Listen Here

Rev. Teresa L. Fry Brown, PhD is the fourteenth Historiographer of the African Methodist Episcopal (2012). She serves as the editor of the A.ME. Review and is the Executive Director of Research and Scholarship for the A.M.E. Church. She holds the Bandy Professor of Preaching at Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia and is the first tenured Black female Candler School of Theology and the third Black female full professor at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.

Dr. Fry Brown has extensive teaching and preaching experience in national, international academic and ecumenical settings. A prolific author, Dr. Fry Brown’s books include Delivering the Sermon: Voice, Body and Animation in Proclamation, Fortress Press (2008); Can A Sister Get a Little Help: Advice and Encouragement for Black Women in Ministry, Pilgrim Press (2008); God Don’t Like Ugly: African American Women Handing on Spiritual Values Abingdon Press (2000); Weary Throats and New Song: Black Women Proclaiming God’s Word Abingdon Press (2003) and The 2006 African American History Devotional, Abingdon Press (2006).