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Stewardship 365

by | Jan 6, 2020

Do some people at your parish think “Stewardship” is just a code word for the annual beg-a-thon? In reality, Stewardship is “using the gifts God has given me to do the work God is calling me to do.” That’s all day, every day – not just the annual pledge drive. We want people to see Stewardship in a whole new light. That’s why the Commission on Stewardship is excited to announce the Holy Currencies: Stewardship 365 program, which has the potential to profoundly change how your parish understands the spiritual practice of Stewardship. When we talk about “gifts” from or to God, most of us instinctively think about money, but there are other equally essential currencies. Rev. Dr. Eric Law, the founder and executive director of the Kaleidoscope Institute, has developed this program around six Holy Currencies that must flow to have a sustainable missional ministry. These include the Currency of Gracious Leadership, Currency of Relationship, Currency of Truth, Currency of Wellness, Currency of Money, and the Currency of Time & Place.

We invite each parish to put together a team of at least five people to attend a free Holy Currencies: Stewardship 365 workshop led by Rev. Dr. Eric Law himself on February 8th from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm at the Cathedral of St. Philip. At the end of the day, if your group believes your parish would benefit from a deeper dive into Holy Currencies, you will have the opportunity to enroll in a 6-month program where your team will be assigned a coach from the Kaleidoscope Institute. Once a month, you will participate in an interactive webinar with your coach and be assigned homework that involves the entire parish. At the end of the six months, you will have a fully developed stewardship plan for the rest of the year as well as for the following year enabling your congregation to move from maintenance to mission, from scarcity to abundance and from fear to grace.

In the past, this program was cost-prohibitive for many parishes. To ensure that every congregation has the opportunity to take part in this life-changing program, the Diocese of Atlanta has decided to make a financial commitment to subsidize the cost of the 6-month program. The workshop with Eric Law on February 8 is free with lunch provided. Space is limited, so please register as soon as possible.

Register Here

If you have any questions, please contact Tammy Pallot at or 478-954-5441.
Stewardship365 Intro Video by Rev. Dr. Eric Law