The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Sewanee Statement

by | Mar 18, 2021

As Bishops of Province IV of The Episcopal Church (also known as The Province of Sewanee) who share in the oversight of the University of the South, we in no uncertain terms condemn the harassment of the Vice Chancellor of the University last month by, as of now, unknown vandals and the more recent racial epithets hurled at scholar-athletes from a visiting college by young people in the crowd during a lacrosse game. We hope and pray those engaging in such despicable behavior are not students at the University. In our minds, any racist behavior is intolerable, does not represent the virtues of our faith, and we denounce it emphatically. We trust the Vice Chancellor and the University Regents will together address these hateful acts with all deliberate speed.


The Right Reverend Scott Benhase, Vice President, Province IV

The Right Reverend Robert Wright, Bishop of Atlanta

The Right Reverend Frank Logue, Bishop of Georgia

The Right Reverend Phoebe Roaf, Bishop of West Tennessee

The Right Reverend Brian Cole, Bishop of East Tennessee

The Right Reverend Mark Van Koevering, Bishop of Lexington

The Right Reverend Rob Skirving, Bishop of East Carolina

The Right Reverend Neil Alexander, Bishop of Atlanta, Res.

The Right Reverend Peter Eaton, Bishop of Southeast Florida

The Right Reverend Morris Thompson, Bishop of Louisiana

The Right Reverend Terry White, Bishop of Kentucky

The Right Reverend Glenda Curry, Bishop of Alabama

The Right Reverend Sam Rodman, Bishop of North Carolina

The Right Reverend Jose McLoughlin, Bishop of Western North Carolina

The Right Reverend McKee Sloan, Bishop of Alabama, Res.

The Right Reverend Russell Kendrick, Bishop of Central Gulf Coast

The Right Reverend Andrew Waldo, Bishop of Upper South Carolina

The Right Reverend Dabney Smith, Bishop of Southwest Florida

The Right Reverend Greg Brewer, Bishop of Central Florida

The Right Reverend John Bauerschmidt, Bishop of Tennessee

The Right Reverend Henry Parsley, Bishop of Alabama. Res.

The Right Reverend Brian Seage, Bishop of Mississippi

The Right Reverend Anne Hodges-Copple, Bishop Suffragan of North Carolina