The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Rev. Donna Mote Blessed The Horses of The Atlanta Police Mounted Patrol Unit

by | Oct 14, 2020

As part of the inaugural National Faith and Blue Weekend, the Rev. Donna Mote, Missioner for Engagement and Innovation, blessed the horses of the Atlanta Police Mounted Patrol Unit. National Faith & Blue Weekend, which took place the weekend of October 9-12, was created with the purpose to provide a first step toward reconnecting law enforcement officers with members of the communities they serve by leveraging the presence and influence of houses of worship. During the visit to the Atlanta Police Department’s horse facility, Rev. Donna Mote blessed 14 horses, 10 officers, and 2 barn cats.


Rev. Donna Mote Blessing Emmitt and SGT. Schapker


Full Ceremony, Shared by Rev. Donna Mote

Photos and videos courtesy of City of Atlanta Police Department’s Facebook Page.

Learn more about the Faith and Blue Weekend at  and for more from Rev. Donna Mote, check out the Engaging Innovation Column.