The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Reimagining Policing with Province IV Bishops

by | Jun 24, 2020

This online event series is presented by The Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing.

The Province IV Bishops are being invited to share their intentions for themselves and their Dioceses as we move forward facing two major pandemics. The first one is systemic racism which has been with us for centuries. The other one is COVID-19 which arrived recently. Both of them challenge the Church to stand up as it never has before to meet the death and loss caused by them.

More specifically, the current policing practices in many parts of the nation are totally unacceptable and the Bishops will discuss that issue and many others. All are welcome to please join this two-part virtual event series by way of a live stream.

Session One
July 9, 10 AM
Register Here

Session Two
July 14, 4 PM
Register Here