The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Annual Fundraiser: Ugly Pants 2021 Golf Tournament

by | Mar 11, 2021

The Ugly Pants 2021 Golf Tournament, an annual fundraiser to benefit St. Benedict’s Episcopal Church, will be on April 19 at the Indian Hills Country Club and they are looking for sponsors.

We can’t all play golf, but you can still participate in this fun church event with a sponsorship. Got a business? Sign up! Just you or your family? You can still sign up! Starting at $50 for families or $500 for businesses. Opportunities are at all levels.

The day also includes snacks, goodie bags, a post-tournament buffet lunch, prizes, and raffle tickets.

For more details and to purchase tickets or sponsorships, click here.

COVID-19 safety measures will be in effect.