The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

New Life

by | Jan 2, 2024

The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta is experiencing new life through new ministries, confirmations, and ordination.

Two parishes recently welcomed new rectors.

Installation of Katie Bradshaw

On Dec. 6 Emmanuel Athens’ new Rector, The Rev. Katie Bradshaw, was installed by Bishop of Atlanta, The Right Rev. Robert Wright. Bradshaw had answered the call to be Emmanuel’s Rector in September. Prior to that, she served at St. Andrews Episcopal Cathedral in Jackson, MS, as Canon and then Curate for six years, and as Curate at St. Columba’s Episcopal Church in Ridgeland, MS. Previously Bradshaw practiced law for a number of years, serving as a judicial staff attorney and a public defender.

View Photos from the Installation

A week later St. Mark’s in LaGrange celebrated the new ministry of The Rev. Andrew Gordon as rector, in  a service led by Bishop Wright. Gordon had previously served as Curate at Christ Church Episcopal in Macon where he began an innovative weekday service called Rooted that substituted Blue Grass music for traditional organ hymns. He also led the creation of a Hispanic ministry at St. Paul’s Macon.

Rev Andrew Gordon

Wright described Gordon as “bilingual, chock full of energy, raring to go. With this gift we can now go into LaGrange renewed taking the historic Episcopal tradition, reason, and scripture and adapting it to bring new people into St. Mark’s by putting love into action as Paul wrote about in Romans 12,” Wright said.

View Photos from the Installation

Another way the Diocese is experiencing new life are the more than 150 confirmed, received, and welcomed home on December 10 during a service at The Cathedral of St. Philip in Atlanta.

View Photos from the Confirmation

And a week later Bishop Wright ordained five new deacons on their paths to the priesthood.


View Photos from the Ordination

Each of these new beginnings in faith illustrates a dynamic and evolving process that is creating new life in different ways.

People of the Diocese are encountering Christ in new ways to grow spiritually, socially, and physically.

First, a faith in Christ can create new life spiritually by expanding horizons, deepening understanding, and enriching relationships with God and others.

Second, faith can create new life socially, by fostering a sense of community, belonging, and support among people who share the same values, goals, and practices. The common experience of a worshiping community is a way that God’s people are called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, and are sent to serve, heal, and transform the world.

Third, followers of the teachings of Jesus can create new life physically, by taking on positive actions, habits, and behaviors that can improve their health and well-being. Life as a gift from God, a celebration of the beauty, diversity, and joy of creation. Christians can experience new life physically, by enhancing their vitality, harmony, and stewardship.

Don Plummer is the beat reporter for The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. If you have story ideas, please reach out to Don.

“Sharing the heartbeat of the diocese.”

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