The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

New Campus Missioners

by | Aug 29, 2019

Laura Birch has accepted the call to serve as Campus Missioner of Georgia College and State University. Laura is a cradle Episcopalian who grew up attending Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Decatur. She currently attends St. Stephen’s in Milledgeville, where she volunteers as a youth leader. Laura’s background in education will greatly enhance her ability to serve the students of GCSU.

Wallace Benton has accepted the call to serve as Campus Missioner of Kennesaw State University. Wallace grew up attending St. Matthew’s in Snellville. Wallace currently also serves as the Director of Youth Ministries of St. David’s in Roswell, as the New Beginnings Lay Director, and is a host on the Podcast Episcopal Youth Ministry in ATL. Wallace has a strong background in formation work of the Episcopal Church that will serve him well in his new position.