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New Campus Missioner at KSU: Ciara Castenell

by | Sep 1, 2021

We have a new Campus Missioner at KSU! Ciara Castenell has accepted the call.

Ciara Castenell was born in Daytona Beach, Florida. She is a graduate of Florida State University and a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer who served in Sichuan, China as a college English teacher. Ciara came to Atlanta and the Episcopal Church, through The Road Episcopal Service Corps, where she lived in an intentional community in Southeast Atlanta for two years. Through The Road ESC, she served at the Church of the Common Ground, an outdoor church for individuals experiencing homelessness. There, she learned of God’s incredible grace and unconditional love. Ciara currently serves as Coordinator for Children’s Ministries at The Cathedral of St. Philip, where she can explore faith through the wonder and play of children. Ciara enjoys hiking, reading, and attempting to garden. She lives with her husband, Andre, and their dog, Smuckers in Southwest Atlanta.