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Men Against Sex Trafficking Gathered for the First Time

by | May 6, 2022

Horace Griffin

Horace Griffin, Associate Priest at St. Luke’s, Atlanta, and David Marmins, a member of the Temple, organized and convened the first Men Against Sex Trafficking event at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church last evening, May 4, from 6:30-8:00.

Panelists Bob Rodgers (Street Grace, Atlanta), Brian Thomas (Wellspring Living) and Sir Streeter (Georgia Coalition to Combat Human Trafficking) engaged a diverse audience of approximately 60 attendees from across the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta and other Christian denominations and faith traditions about the ongoing challenges  of Sex Trafficking.

The good news is that men are now engaged in an effort to right the wrong of Sex Trafficking, to help eradicate this evil perpetuated by men.

– Horace Griffin

Following a powerful presentation and video about the pernicious nature of Sex Trafficking plaguing the Greater Atlanta area, attendees raised questions and discussed how they can get involved in tackling this problem. It was heartening that several men attending are already involved in combating sex trafficking, including Jon Tonge, a St. Luke’s parishioner and attorney who has won a lawsuit on behalf of young female survivors.

The evening ended with invitations for greater involvement in this work from the organizers and our Bishop, Rob Wright. This is the first in a series of gatherings for men to become more involved in combating sex trafficking.

Men Against Human Trafficking