The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Lent 2022 | Growing in the Wilderness

by | Feb 18, 2022

Join Bishop Wright and our diocese in keeping a Holy Lent with a new 5-part video series: Growing in the Wilderness. The pandemic feels like wilderness, but God does amazing things in the wilderness, even when the wilderness stretches on for a while! These are all wilderness stories that remind us of what God can do in the wilderness.

Each week on Wednesdays, you can visit our Lent 2022 page for a weekly video along with a reflection guide. We encourage you to use this resource individually, with a friend, or in a small group setting. Most of all, we encourage you to be an active participant in growing closer to God and in faith during this Holy Lent! You can find the series promo kit including a flyer and social images here. If you would like access to the video series ahead of the release dates for teaching purposes, please email the Communications Team.