The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Integrity Atlanta’s 32nd Annual Pride Eucharist

by | Sep 22, 2021

Integrity Atlanta will sponsor its 32nd Annual Pride Eucharist on Thursday, October 7, 2021 at 7:30 PM. The service will be held at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, located at 634 West Peachtree ST, NW, Atlanta, GA 30308. The church is at the corner of North Avenue and West Peachtree Streets, across from the North Avenue MARTA station.

The preacher for this service is the Rev. Winnie Varghese. Winnie is the rector (senior priest) at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Atlanta. She arrived with her wife and children in August.

The celebrant for the service is the Rev. Kimberly Jackson. Kim is the Vicar of The Church of the Common Ground, a ministry of the Diocese of Atlanta to the unhoused in downtown Atlanta. Kim is also the first openly lesbian African American to be elected to the Georgia State Senate. She lives with her wife in the Stone Mountain area.

Music will be under the direction of Trey Clegg and his Trey Clegg Singers as well as Kirk M. Rich, Director of Music for All Saints’ Episcopal Church.

The service is open to all and all are welcome as part of the ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta to “draw the circle wider” in our faith community.

Due to COVID, masks are required for the service, and vaccinations are requested.

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