The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Holiday Giving and Volunteering in Our Diocese

by | Nov 19, 2020

This holiday season may look different than past seasons, but there are still opportunities to show our gratitude and give to others.


Appleton Episcopal Ministries

Appleton’s Annual Thanksgiving Offering

The mission of Appleton Episcopal Ministries is to share God’s love by partnering as parishes in the Middle Georgia Convocation of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta to promote the health, safety, education, and well-being of children and families.

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Emmaus House

Thanksgiving at Home

November 20 is the last day to donate to this year’s Thanksgiving at Home. The goal is to provide 200 families in our community with a Thanksgiving meal that they can share at home with their loved ones. You can donate towards the cost of the turkey.

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Christmas at Emmaus House in 2020

For decades, parishes, friends and organizations have donated gifts to more than 500 children in Peoplestown on Christmas Eve each year. This year, because of the pandemic, donated gifts cannot be safely collected, organized and distributed by age and gender to children as they have in the past. To continue this ministry, we are asking churches, organizations, and individuals to donate $25 gift cards from Target, Walmart and/or VISA, which we will distribute to families with children in the Emmaus House community. Parents and guardians will then use the gift cards to do their shopping and choose the presents their children receive on Christmas.

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Malachi’s Storehouse

Malachi’s Toy Drive 2020

Hundreds of families have signed up to receive toys and we know exactly what they want! You can help us fulfill these wishes by signing up* to donate one of the toys on this list. Toys donated should be new and unwrapped.

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