The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

GivingTuesday, A Global Generosity Movement | Dec 1, 2020

by | Nov 25, 2020

Since its inception in 2012, GivingTuesday has grown into a global movement that has changed the lives of so many. There are many ways to take action. You can make a donation, volunteer, share your voice (e.g. social media) to be an advocate for an organization or cause, donate your talent, and much more. For resources and inspiration on the many ways to give, visit GivingTuesday’s Ideas For Changing The World webpage.

You can find a GA nonprofit to support on the GAGives website.

We are so proud of the organizations and individuals (some of which are listed below) across the Diocese who are working hard to help others and make a difference in their communities:

– Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing
– Appleton Episcopal Ministries
– Atlanta Airport Chaplaincy
– Chattahoochee Valley Episcopal Ministry
– Church of the Common Ground
– Church of the Holy Comforter
– Emmaus House
– Episcopal Community Foundation
– Mikell Camp & Conference Center
– Msalato Theological College Endowment
– Youth Ministries

If would like to show your support to these organizations you can make a donation on their websites (linked above) or donate here.