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The Association of Anglican Musicians’ 2024–2025 Gerre Hancock Internship

by | Dec 4, 2023

The Association of Anglican Musicians (AAM) is pleased to announce St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA, as the host of its 2024–2025 Gerre Hancock Internship. The Gerre Hancock Internship program was established to create full-time mentoring opportunities for extraordinary young church musicians who demonstrate a strong interest in the music and worship of the Episcopal Church. This annual internship is jointly funded by AAM and the host institution and offers the intern ten months of practical experience through intense and intentionally formative work as part of an outstanding music program. The 2024-2025 Intern will be mentored by Mr. Matthew Michael Brown, Director of Music at St. Luke’s. Mr. Brown writes, “St. Luke’s is honored to partner with AAM in offering a warm welcome to the next Hancock Intern. Many exciting things are happening throughout the City of Atlanta and in this vibrant parish. It will be our complete joy to host and support this important initiative.”

Paid with full benefits, applicants must be within three years of a completed church-music-relevant college degree program. Find out more. Applications are due on February 1, 2024. The Association of Anglican Musicians expects any host institution to consider applications for employment without reference to race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexuality, disability, or age, except insofar as personal characteristics directly affect individuals’ capacity to exercise their vocation.

About the Association of Anglican Musicians
Founded in 1966, the Association of Anglican Musicians is a member-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization of musicians and clergy serving in the Episcopal Church and internationally within the Anglican Communion. Its members host an annual Conference and produce a bi-monthly Journal. Committees within AAM advocate for lay employees working in the Episcopal Church on a local and national level. The Gerre Hancock Internship is funded through the AAM Endowment Fund, which disburses over $40,000 in grants each year.

About St. Luke’s Episcopal Church

St. Luke’s Atlanta, a parish in the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, is located in the heart of downtown Atlanta on Peachtree Street. St. Luke’s has a rich history of service and social justice activism in the community. The church is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment and serves nearly 2,000 members.