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Gainesville’s Grace Episcopal Recognized with International Website Design Award

by | Nov 26, 2019

On Oct. 1, Grace’s website received a silver medal from the Academy of On Oct. 1, Grace’s website received a silver medal from the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts’ 14th Annual W3 Awards, which annually honors outstanding websites, web marketing, web video, mobile sites/apps, and social content created by interactive agencies, designers, and creators worldwide.

Custom created for Grace Episcopal Church by Forum Communications, Grace’s website was recognized in the Religion and Spirituality category standing out against a field that included more than 5,000 entries.

“So much of our practice of faith celebrates beauty, the way God’s presence fills the world and opens our hearts. As a parish church, we wanted to invest in a way to share this Good News,” said The Reverend Dr. Stuart Higginbotham, rector at Grace Episcopal Church. “The staff deeply appreciates the imaginative eye of Forum, and we are grateful for the truly spiritual tool they have helped us develop.”