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For People with Bishop Rob Wright | Special Guest Sheffield Hale

by | Jul 10, 2020

Monuments and Symbols with Special Guest Sheffield Hale

Monuments and symbols are currently a point of discussion. A person may bring up why or why they shouldn’t be removed and it quickly gets branded political. Many believe them a part of heritage. As Sheffield says in this episode, “heritage is history with all the bad parts left out”. We stand at an inflection point where society is waking up and wanting to right its wrongs in many ways. But does that mean we simply take them all down?

In this episode, Melissa leads a conversation with Bishop Wright and Sheffield Hale on the history of monuments, understanding the context of the time they were put up, and what are the next steps forward we can take to be supportive as mature Christians. For the full conversation, listen in.

Before listening, read Bishop Rob Wright’s For Faith.

Sheffield Hale is President and CEO of the Atlanta History Center. Prior to joining the Atlanta History Center in 2012 he served as Chief Counsel of the American Cancer Society, Inc. and was a Partner practicing corporate law in the firm of Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP.

Mr. Hale serves as a Trustee of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Fox Theatre, Inc., Buckhead Coalition, Midtown Alliance, and Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau. He is a Past Chair of the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation, the Atlanta History Center, St. Jude’s Recovery Center, Inc., and the State of Georgia’s Judicial Nominating Commission.

Listen in to hear more.