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For People Podcast: Faith, Justice, & Public Service

by | Jul 2, 2021

This month, For People episodes will be focused on faith, politics, and public service. The episodes are showcased in one place so you can browse the collection. Special guests include a Chief Justice, State Representative, Governor, State Senator, and more. These conversations explore the relationship that faith brings to the different aspects of their work and how it influences their lives.

This week’s episode features newly installed Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice David E. Nahmias. In this episode, Bishop Wright and Justice Nahmias discuss faith, justice, and public service. Justice Nahmias shares his faith story, the connections between his legal service and faith, and his personal call to serve young people by doing what is necessary to ensure their future. On the importance of how we treat children in our juvenile justice system, Justice Nahmias says, “we live in a world with enormous division, but the world can agree that we must take care of the lives of our children.”

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