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For People Welcomes The Very Rev. Canon Martini Shaw

by | Mar 2, 2023

The Very Rev Canon Martini Shaw

Celebrating Absalom Jones

As Black History Month closes, we wanted to take some time to discuss the life of Absalom Jones, the first Black Episcopal priest in The Episcopal Church. Absalom’s story is one of loving God and loving all people. One of starting something brand new with and for God!

In this episode, Bishop Wright has a conversation with Canon Martini Shaw, 17th Rector of The African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas, the congregation founded by Absalom Jones. They discuss Absalom’s story that led to the founding of St. Thomas and how his legacy is lived out today. Listen in for the full conversation.

Read the story focused on The Absalom Jones Commemorating Service hosted by The Union of Black Episcopalians of The Diocese of Atlanta at Holy Cross Episcopal Church in Decatur on February 19.

Listen Here

The Very Rev. Canon Martini Shaw is a native of Detroit, Michigan. In 1982 he earned two undergraduate degrees from Wayne State University, one in Psychology and the other in Biology.

In 1988, Fr. Shaw earned a Masters of Divinity Degree from McCormick Theological Seminary in Hyde Park (Chicago). Never one to shy away from rigorous challenges, Fr. Shaw also earned a Certificate in Anglican Studies from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois the same year.  In 2008, Fr. Shaw earned the Doctorate of Ministry degree from the Graduate Theological Foundation, with completed coursework at the University of Oxford, (Oxford, England.)

In 2003, Fr. Shaw became the 17th Rector of the Historic African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas, Philadelphia, Pa.  The church was founded in 1792 as the first Black Church in the Episcopal Church, U.S.A. It is also the oldest African American Church in the City of Philadelphia. Fr. Shaw proudly now serves as a successor to the Rev. Absalom Jones, the first Black Priest of the Episcopal Church, and first Rector of St. Thomas Church.