The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Five Diocesan Ministries Receive COVID-19 Grants

by | May 11, 2020

On May 8, five Diocese of Atlanta ministries were among 245 nonprofits that received $5.3 million in grants from the Greater Atlanta COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund, a joint effort from Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta and United Way of Greater Atlanta, in the Fund’s sixth round of grants. So far, the Fund has raised more than $25 million. The two organizations have together identified the areas of greatest need and the most vulnerable populations to determine where to deliver funds.

This latest round of grants earmarked for responses to the region’s needs as a result of COVID-19 are part of a grand total of more than $17.3 million from the Fund has benefited 320 nonprofits thus far.

The Diocesan ministries receiving grants are:

The Boyce L. Ansley School – $10,000 for tablets, learning packets, food, transportation and virtual support for homeless students and their families.

Crossroads Community Ministries – $25,000 to continue providing services to people experiencing homelessness.

Emmaus House – $10,000 to provide emergency financial assistance.

New American Pathways – $35,000 for emergency financial assistance, language services and case management.

Red Door Food Pantry – $25,000 to cover costs for increased services to Bartow county residents.

A full listing of grants are listed on both the Community Foundation’s website and United Way’s website.